Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vidarbha farmers welcome MSP Hike and Incentive to Tur Pulses.

Vidarbha farmers welcome MSP Hike and incentive to Tur Pulses.

Nagpur-15 June 2010

The Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti (VJAS) today welcomed the Government decision to raise the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for pulses for the current kharif crops. The increase which ranges from Rs. 380 per quintal to Rs. 700 per quintal is part of the Government’s strategy to boost the production of pulses in the country. The rise in MSP for pulses this year is significant, both in terms of absolute increase and percentage rise. For tur, the rise is Rs. 700 per quintal, from Rs. 2300/q last year to Rs. 3000/q, which represents 30.43% rise over the previous year’s MSP. This rise is higher than the rise of Rs. 500 recommended by the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). The rise in MSP for pulses this year is significant, both in terms of absolute increase and percentage rise. For tur, the rise is Rs. 700 per quintal, from Rs. 2300/q last year to Rs. 3000/q, which represents 30.43% rise over the previous year’s MSP. This rise is higher than the rise of Rs. 500 recommended by the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP).

VJAS President Kishore Tiwari in letter to Indian Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh thanked him for giving special incentive, farmers selling tur, urad and moong to procurement agencies during the harvest/arrival period of two months will get an additional incentive of Rs. 5 per kg (Rs. 500/q).

“This was long pending demand of dry land farmers to west vidarbha who are cultivating mono-cash crop BT. cotton which very much rain sensitive and highly volatile to the international pricing due US subsidies and created lot of complex problem of water crisis in drought prone west vidarbha where 98% farmers are dry land farmers .we welcome Govt. initiative to introduce the major schemes, viz. the National Food Security Mission (NFSM), the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) and the Macro Management of Agriculture Scheme which is now have special components for pulses development as to encourage farmers towards growing pulses, the Centre is spending Rs. 837.03 crore on pulses development this year. The allocation has risen eight-fold in four years, from Rs. 105.59 crore in 2007-08.we welcome the decision but we urge central Govt. to ban all rain sensitive cash like cotton ,sugarcane, soybean in the dry land region of Maharashtra by providing special direct cash subsidy to pluses grower and give them free health care and educational concession in professional institutes in order to address the on going agrarian crisis in vidarbha region which is product of American MNCs who are dominating the crop patterns and agriculture resulting in million of innocent cotton farmers victimization and lastly in farm suicides” Tiwari added in letter.

VJAS urged central Govt. to provide institutional support to vidarbha farmers for supply of quality seed, and kits of nutrients and plant protection chemicals Arhar (Tur), Moong, Chana, Urad and Masoor who are showing the interest for cultivation under The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) ,Tiwari informed


1 comment:

Ramesh Dubey said...

आदरणीय तिवारी जी आपने दालों के एमएसपी में बढ़ोत्‍तरी का स्‍वागत किया जो कि ठीक है, लेकिन जब तक दालों की सरकारी खरीद की पक्‍की व्‍यवस्‍था(गेहूं, धान की भांति) नहीं की जाती तब तक एमएसपी में बढ़ोत्‍तरी का कोई बहुत लाभ नहीं पहुंचेगा । दरअसल सरकार की समर्थन मूल्‍य घोषित करने की नीति भेदभाव भरी रही है । यद्यपि सरकार चौबीस फसलों के लिए समर्थन मूल्‍य तय करती है लेकिन चुनिंदा फसलों को छोड़कर बाकी फसलों की खरीद की सरकारी व्‍यवस्‍था नहीं की जाती । यह विषय केंद्र व राज्‍यों और उनकी एजेंसियों के बीच फुटबाल बनकर रह जाता है । खरीद की जिम्‍मेदारी एक दूसरे के ऊपर टालने का खेल चलता रहता है और पूरा खरीद सीजन निकल जाता है । मक्‍का, ज्‍वार, बाजरा के साथ तो यह घटना हर साल घटित होती है । उदाहरण के लिए पिछले साल सरकार ने बाजरे की एमएसपी 840 रूपये प्रति क्‍विंटल तय की थी लेकिन सरकारी एजेंसियों ने किसानों से इस कीमत पर बाजरा खरीदने में दिलचस्‍पी नहीं दिखाई । ऐसे में राजस्‍थान में किसानों के पास बाजरे का स्‍टॉक जमा हो गया । मजबूर होकर उन्‍हें खुले बाजार में एमएसपी से दो सौ रूपये कम कीमत पर बाजरा बेचना बड़ा । ऐसे में विकल्‍प मिले तो किसान बाजरा उगाने से पीछे हटने में संकोच नहीं करेंगे । कुछ यही कहानी सत्‍तर व अस्‍सी के दशक में दलहनी फसलों के साथ घटित हुई थी जिसका परिणाम अब दालों के उत्‍पादन में कमी के रूप में सामने आ रहा है ।

रमेश दुबे
कृषि विषयक स्‍वतंत्र लेखक(दिल्‍ली)