Hundred of farm widows and cotton farmers today burn effigies of Indian Prime Minister and Indian trade and textile minister Anand Sharma Massive to protest against recent decision of that India will not allow additional cotton exports at Pandharkawada in Yavatmal district of
"Indian trade and textile minister Anand Sharma is acting as agent of Indian textile mills owners and supporting his stand of imposing ban on fresh cotton which is directly affecting million cotton farmers who are facing crop failure in more than 12 million hector and is damaging cotton traders exporters creditability in global market ,This is bias and political motivated decision with motive to protect the int
erest of handful spinning and weaving mills and garments traders hence farmers protest and hunger strike has been organized "Kishore Tiwari added.
Cotton farmers main demand is that DGFT should start fresh registrations of export as India is the
world’s second-largest producer and output is expected to hit a record high of 34 million bales
in 2
011/12 hence our PM who is man free trade and globalization should intervene to protect the interest
of cotton farme
rs and stop protecting fe
w corporates which are forcing traders to off load their cotton bales stock holding in cheaper rate which unfair and unjust "Tiwari said today
Earlier Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti VJAS in its plea to the Prime Minister of India has requested that
“When cotton arrival as per CCI data is only 260 lakhs bales as against 298 lakhs bales of last year and as per lowered estimate till 100 lakhs bales arrival is awaited hence such restrictions will put more than 7 million cotton growers ,traders and exporters huge economic losses and will damage Indian cotton trade to larger extend hence protecting handful garments industries DGFT all unfair trade practices should curbed and there is urgent need to review the functioning of commerce ministry where some Babus are detecting their terms to ruin agrarian economy of cotton growing region of India henc ewe demand urgent intervention ”Tiwari added.
‘If UPA Govt. has problem with growth of cotton export they want to protect textile cartel then they should buy cotton@ international rates with his agencies like NAFED and CCI. ,protecting the innocent dying cotton farmers’ who are forced to sale cotton at throw price to local dealers who are subjected to market forces and volatile export policies of UPA Govt. most of the time managed by handful people hence PM should intervene ’Tiwari urged.
“when Indian domestic demand is just 20 million bales as against national production of 33 million bales there is no reason put restrictions when interest of domestic textile mills are fully protected .the decision to ban Indian cotton export is another example rampant corruption going on in UPA Govt. there is big names involved in the sudden export ban will expose the all misdeeds of commerce ministry hence for the first time farmers suicide issue has given focus of wrong policies of state ,we will see that the truth is prevailed” Tiwari added.
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