Vidarbha Farmer widow’s ‘GandhiGiri’ -Seek Divine Intervention to End Government Apathy
Nagpur :January 26, 2013
“Today protest is one of last
attempt to put agrarian crisis of vidarbha on national radar as day after day framers
are killing themselves due to high debt and the persisting agrarian crisis and
yet neither the concerned state or union
minister, media or even civil society has a single candle to light for these
poor farmers, UPA Govt. at the centre has turned blind eye to very serious
issue where as main opposition parties have no agenda to save dying agrarian
community who are innocent victims of wrong policies and technology promoted
state hence this protest” says Kishore Tiwari of Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti
(VJAS), an organization representing farmers in this region while addressing
the farm widows and farmers .
‘Cotton cultivating belt west
vidarbha has witnessed more than 2000
farmers suicides in the worst-hit
district of Yavatmal and the Vidarbha region comprising 11 districts saw 11,000
suicides since 2005. 8 more farmers committed suicide in the last 72 hours
taking the toll to 22 in this New Year and Maharashtra
has five million cotton farmers who are facing severe cotton crop failure. The
failure of the Bt cotton crop in 4.2 million hectares of land has led to
farmers off loading raw cotton at throw away prices since there has been no
state intervention or compensation, he says, driving bankrupt farmers to kill
themselves but administration is busy in painting rosy picture of bumper crop
that is adding more fuel to crisis’ Tiwari added.
‘Vidarbha agrarian crisis is
classic case of hostile rural India where socio-economic system has been
completely collapsed ,issues are not only related to Agricultural
‘Crop-Cost-Credit’ ,it has been much more integrated to complex crisis of
unemployment ,very high cost private health services and educational fees
,changing life style and food habits coupled with drastic climate change and
degradation of land and surface and ground water mismanagement hence finding
solutions with help of MNCs promoted
technology or WB( world bank ) promoted policies has added more fuel to crisis
since 2005 .in fact UPA-NDA both Govt. are equally responsible for on going
vidarbha farmers genocide hence sensitive section of civil society has to come
forward to under stand existing deep distress, despair and gloom that is
killing innocent farming community in India as NCRB data farmers suicides is
most likely to cross more than 3 lakhs farmers suicide in 2013 which is record
genocide in the history of any time
hence this protest is focusing larger area of
Indian rural crisis hence we want media is give justice to crisis.’
Tiwari urged in the protest rally.
Today when the country was celebrating Republic Day, “over 300 widows of farmers who
committed suicide and 2000 farmers gathered at the Maregaon village temple in Yavatmal
district to pray and wished that Chavan and Pawar realize the ongoing tragedy
before them and take necessary steps to save us,” said Bebitai Bais, President
of Vidarbha Farmers’ Widows Association informed . Maregaon village is where a
parliamentary panel headed by MP Basudeo Acharya visited last year to look into
the causes of agrarian crisis and submitted its report to the Indian
Parliament. “However, nothing came of it,” she says.
While addressing protesters
drawing attention to the irony of worst hit crisis is that the Maharashtra government is
spending millions of rupees on agriculture exhibitions in Nagpur, Yavatmal,
Amaravati and Akola whilst Bharatiya Janata Party’s ex-president Nitin Gadkari is
busy organizing the Agro-Vision show in Nagpur whereas same time administration is denying
relief and aid to starving farm widows and their families. Distressed farmers
are not being given food security, health care or educational help even after
the National Commission for Farmers headed by Dr M. S. Swaminathan and the Dr
Narendra Jadhav Committee recommended the same moreover the recent Rs 7.78
billion fund announced for drought assistance to Maharasthra has left out any
mention of debt-trapped farmers of Vidarbha, Tiwari said.
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